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modern art – unique style

Theodoros Nikolaidis‘ artworks are exclusive and full of passion. They inspire audiences all around the world. Especially unique: his live-paintings. Nikolaidis‘ talent for combining styles, materials and techniques brought him his own personal signature and his success.

Nikolaidis‘ showed his artworks in art exhibitions and museums around the world. In addition, well-known and internationally successful celebrities love his expressive designs.

Every artwork and design is:
dynamic – unique – expressive

Theodoros Nikolaidis
– the artist

Learn more about the artist, his unique creations and his view  of the modern art.

Theo Nikolaidis
Theo Nikolaidis

Recent and upcomming events

Follow the artist Theodoros Nikolaidis on his path and don’t miss an event!

28. NOV 2023 – 28. FEB 2024

„TRANSCENDENCE“ – Eine Fusion von Kunst und Kultur

Hong Art Museum

Die 4. internationale Ausstellung moderner und zeitgenössischer Kunst in Chongqing, China.

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01. – 30. NOV 2022

Moderne Kunstausstellung in Hamburg

Sparkasse Hamburg
Mühlenkamp 34
22303 Hamburg

Großformatige Gemälde, private Führungen

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29 SEP 2022

Live-Painting in Hannover

August-Madsack-Straße 1
30559 Hannover

„Newsroom Update“ bei der Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung und der Neuen Presse in Hannover. Live-Painting mit anschließender Versteigerung – Charity.

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